Deťurence moje zlaté.
Neviem ako vy, ale tento svoj prvý blog na našom ALUMNI private blogu uverejňujem s obrovskou radosťou. Odkedy som opustil brány Kolégia, nemal som možnosť, ale hlavne silu dokopať sa k písaniu niečoho zmysluplného, tak ako som mal pocit, že sme to robili v KANe.
Preto je, s istou dávkou predstavivosti, pre mňa symbolické, že aj prvý výtvor z mojej novej školy, môžem "prečítať" aj svojim KAN kolegom.
Okrem iných textov som prišiel do styku aj s knihou Love and Responsibility od Karola Wojtylu. Je to brutálna kniha - akože fakt pecka. Pár riadkov o jednej téme, ktorá sa v knihe nachádza môžete teda nájsť nižšie.
Enjoy a teším sa na vaše vlastné príspevky alebo komentáre!
What is emotional and
physical shame?
What is emotional and
physical shamelessness?
Karol Wojtyla is in his book Love and Responsibility trying to show a proper meaning of love.
Indeed he does not avoid practical aspect of this real notion of love
and he also speaks about ways of behaving which parties who want to
reach real love should follow.
Among other terms, which Karol Wojtyla
uses to examine this topic, words shame and shamelessness have their
In the beginning author describes
general characteristics of shame. Of course it is proper to speak
only about human shame since other animals are able only to fear
(174, 175). This is so because „phenomenon of shame arises when
something which .. ought to be private .. becomes public“. But what
is important in regards the topic of love is sexual shame which
author derives from general definition.
Hence sexual „shame is a tendency ..
to conceal sexual values sufficiently to prevent them from obscuring
the value of person as such“. (187)
There are two forms of sexual shame :
physical and emotional or shame of feelings. (187)
Karol Wojtyla also explains a state of
a man when shame is absent – shamelessness. It also can have two
forms : physical and emotional.
Physical shame(lessness) usually
regards or tries to conceal sexual values of a person themselves. On
the contrary emotional shame(lessness) deals 'only'
with reactions or feelings which are
connected to sexual values.
Then to feel (shame
is emotion) physical shame generally saying means that it appears to
me that my sexual values are seen by other people and that this
'nakedness' can
result in particular actions of other people (internal or external).
Object of these actions will be my personality that
means that I will be used to reach particular end of another person –
most likely pleasure. Shame allows me to
hide my sexual values in order to protect my personality.
Physical shamelessness is
opposite to this kind of approach. For example pretty woman will try
to show her beautiful shapes of body to let men look on her and see
in her possible mean to reach sexual pleasure.
Emotional shame deals with
reactions on sexual values of other persons. When in case of physical
shame the connection was kind of direct – that means an act was
immediately followed by consequence – in case of emotional shame a
step is added. It regards reactions and feelings of person1 which
were arouse by sexual values of person2. To react „healthy“ in
this case is to react in such a way that the reaction will not regard
person2 as an object for use. For example if a man is sensualy
effected by a dancing woman (although she does not know it) his
reaction should not encourage her to continue in effecting him and to
grasp her sexual values in order to use her. He should rather react
in such a way that will make him unable to use her, for example to
talk with her about her hobbies or whatever but he should not focus
on her sexual values.
In any case (physical and
emotional) one should remember that the other person has its own
value that means that to degradade the other person for only
particular use is not the proper approach.
Opposite to emotional
shame is shamelessness of feelings. In example given above
emotionally shameless man would give reaction which would show that
he sees the dancing woman as a potential object to please his sexual
Karol Wojtyla says that in
order to build a healthy relationship between man and woman shame is
a necessary article.
Anyway, it is likely
that everybody from his own experience can understand theory of shame
which Karol Wojtyla is giving and it seems to me that in 'shame
matters' he is
not far away from truth.
Makovník, MMF 1
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